Exploring space is a natural inclination of man’s imagination. Building moon colonies and traveling to Mars was a natural process of things to the generations of the early to mid-1900s. In the late 1960s man walked on the moon. It was society’s expectation to have moon colonies on the moon in the 1980s.
Instead of colonies on the moon and man reaching the stars, the 1970s brought moral decay and societal decline, and the 1980s created disco. In the 2020s, crime is no longer against the law but, offending someone’s feelings for being morally corrupt is punishable. This constitutes valid rationale for humans never entering into space exploration.
From a scientific perspective for space technology, rocket engineering is antiquated and totally unacceptable for long distance space flight. Legitimate space exploration must have adequate speed. The fastest speeds in rocket technology are tied to the idiocy of waste in inefficiency.
The stagnation of NASA is aligned to the agency pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into becoming a marketing agency for social programs. The evidence is a fifty-year postponement for its return to the moon, only to travel at the same speed to get there.
Three private citizens have nearly out performed all the governments of the world in space technology.
In the late 1950s, another private citizen built a spacecraft. There is controversy regarding his achievements. The FBI, NSA, DOD, DOJ, and the IRS were involved in destroying his technology. His technology was nearly identical to Nikola Tesla’s designs. Tesla died at 85 years old in 1943. The 1950s spaceship was designed and built by Nikola Tesla’s protege. The controversy is now a question of blood being on the hands of the government.
Nonetheless, rocket technology is loud and exciting but an embarrassment to the space industry. Fifty years for NASA to return to the moon and no significant speed increase?
Here is the issue: all chemical explosions produce a 360-degree energy release. The trajectory of a rocket is set for ONE degree: one direction of travel. People assume that the reputation of rocket scientists would be able to figure out that 360 degrees, minus one degree, amounts to a lot of wasted energy. Launching a rocket uses the same principle of a child placing a firecracker under an empty tin can and lighting the fuse. Rocket technology engineers merely increase the size of the explosion, puts people inside the tin can, and calls them astronauts.
The spacecraft that was literally stolen by the government in 1960 used Nikola Tesla’s design which did not use explosions as fuel. It used a completely different methodology for flight.
To explore space, humans have to reconsider how to travel in space. The recent flight of the Parker Sun Probe Mission was a remarkable achievement. Physicists plotted the path of the rocket ship’s trajectory. It entered into the orbit of Venus and used the planet’s gravitational attraction to sling the spacecraft into a closer orbit which provided acceleration. The speed of Parker’s significant increased acceleration was not produced by chemical explosion propulsion – rather: it reached the greatest speed mankind has ever achieved, by attraction motion. This is the future of space exploration: attraction without expending fuel.