What’s beyond cars
To be literally precise, a title of Tomorrow’s Future would indicate a future that never happens. Current transportation is caught in a loop of no change. 125-year-old automobile technology has left society with the car.
Most of today’s technology has kept pace with social expectation. The industries of communication and information are directly in proportion to what societal norms expect. The building industry has made strides towards technical modernization, some trades more so than others. Polyurethane was discovered 80 years ago; its adaptations and other composites have made tremendous strides to the convenience to daily life.
Fifty years ago, man walked on the moon. Society held an expectation to continue with great achievements in space travel with moon colonies and interplanetary travel as the norm. Instead, transportation advance drips on the precipice of cultural collapse with transportation’s eviscerated achievement. Global society shakes in political distrust, uninterested to explore the frontiers of space. This certainly provides a ripe environment for change.
Automobiles remain and convenience drives the social demand for creative transportation solutions. Computerization is an exiguous component as a singular focus with technological designs in a new mode of transportation. Autonomous driven cars remain in the root of unsustainability. An autonomous car serves to promote social distrust more than their contribution to convenience. An entirely new mode of transportation is where social demands point to for technology solutions.
What serves to contribute a positive outcome for the future? All urban growth is based on its primary source of transportation. Western Society’s primary source for transportation is the automobile. The car is wholly unsustainable. For society to replace the car, it requires a more convenient, faster, and less expensive mode for transportation that’s safer, more efficient and lastly, sustainable.
What is transportation’s future? It floats.
Magnetic levitation (maglev) s the most efficient form of transportation. China leads the world in maglev technology, and has built several maglev lines over the past 20 years. As it builds maglev train technology, the functionality of train-oriented transportation is exclusive to transit oriented land-use design. The Chinese maglev designs don’t accommodate the prominence of Western Society’s automobile centric land-use design.
The most abundant force in the universe is gravity. It is philosophically possible that a methodology exists for manipulating gravity which enables levitation. As of yet, this methodology has eluded discovery.
The process of discover requires a direction for its objective. It’s the research objective of CATTCC.org to find a vehicle device to use gravity as the source of motion for transportation.